Voice Actors Wanted (Now Closed)
New Character Coming Soon

The team behind Irredenta: Under Grotto Hollow are looking for a volunteer to be a voice actor for the game. We are looking for a person who can portray a wise storyteller. If you are interested then contact us for more information.

Irredenta has a new character coming out this Wednesday. Make sure you follow Irredenta to find out who this character is.

Meet our third character. The magician Mia Lock! She is our latest addition to Irredenta. Mia Lock is our magical fighter who uses traps and magic to take down her opponents. Will you be the master of magic?
Jack Flint Is Here

Meet Mia Lock

Meet our new character. The gunslinger Jack Flint! He is the latest addition to Irredenta: Under Grotto Hollow. He is our first ranged fighter and duel wields two pistols. Will you be slaying foes as Jack Flint?